Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sullivan Family Timeline

Moorhead Normal School

Louise Augusta Watterberg was reared on a farm near Wolverton, Minnesota and graduated from Moorhead State Normal School.  Moorhead was 27 miles north of Wolverton, Minnesota where she was raised.  

The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, June 7, 1913

150 Received Diplomas at Moorhead Normal

    Before a large audience at the Moorhead normal last evening the twenty-fourth annual commencement took place and 150 graduates were presented diplomas by C. G. Schulz, state superintendent of public instructions. Louise Watterberg was listed as receiving an Elementary Diploma.  

After her education Louise accepted a teaching position in Canada.

The town of Sanish, Mountrail County, North Dakota was founded in 1914 as a station on the Soo Line Railroad.  The town was abandoned in 1953 and submerged in Lake Sakakawea after the completion of the Garrison Dam.  A "new" Sanish was formed a few miles from the original site.

James Edward Sullivan AKA Fred Cole received homestead documents on June 1, 1920 for 160 acres for the northwest quarter of section thirty-four in Township one hundred fifty-one north of Range ninety-three west of the Fifth Principal Meridian, North Dakota. This 160 acres is south of the town of Sanish in an area called Big Bend.  Big Bend was about 8 miles south of Sanish.  In order to receive the homestead documents on June 1, 1920 he had to have been on the land for five years building and making improvements so that means he came to North Dakota at least by June 1, 1915.  

Life story of James Edward Sullivan reads: His drifting finally lead him to Mountrail County where he had heard of homesteads being offered. He filed in the spring of 1916. He built his house and barn that summer, plowed and planted his crop, and then helped others put in their crops. Along with all this activity, he still found time to attend the social functions which included dances and picnics. At one of these occasions, he met a pretty school teacher by the name of Louise Augusta Watterberg. Louise had come to Sanish during her summer vacation from school to visit her sister, Mrs. Ed (Mary Ellen Watterberg) Larson.

James Edward Sullivan and Louise Augusta Watterberg were married September 9, 1916 in the Minot Presbyterian parsonage.  Minot, North Dakota and Sanish, North Dakota are 75 miles apart from each other.

They had only been married about two months when Jim's horse fell with him, breaking his leg and causing a lot of pain and inconvenience, Jim and Louise enjoyed neighbors and friends and spent many evenings visiting and playing cards or attending picnics and dances, One time some friends came to surprise Louise on her birthday and were caught by a sudden storm and had to spend the night.

Birth of first child: On 15 Dec 1917 Alice Louise Sullivan was born in Max, McLean, North Dakota.  Max, North Dakota is approximately 75 miles north east of Sanish.  James would not have received his homestead papers yet so they must have just gone for a visit.  

Birth of second child: John Sullivan was born 20 Jul 1919 in Sanish, Mountrail, North Dakota. Family history written by his sister, Molly Sullivan Watts, says that John Sullivan was born at home on the folks' homestead south of Sanish.  He lived there until Mom and Dad sold the farm and moved to Garrison.  

House where John Sullivan was born in Sanish, North Dakota

James Edward Sullivan AKA Fred Cole received homestead documents on June 1, 1920 for 160 acres

Birth of third child: Doris Jane Sullivan was born 19 Apr 1922 in Sanish, Mountrail, North Dakota.

This must be the time period that they sold the home and moved to Garrison, Garrison, North Dakota. His obituary says: He did much road construction work, building Highway 23, the first highway in McKenzie county and also on the roads north of Sanish.

Birth of fourth child: Molly May Sullivan was born 12 Apr 1924 in Garrison, Garrison, North Dakota.

Birth of fifth child: Ruth Elinor Sullivan was born 30 Aug 1926 in Garrison, Garrison, North Dakota.

Birth of sixth child: Roger Sullivan was born 15 Feb 1931 at Lumo Ranch, Sanish, North Dakota.

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