Thursday, November 1, 2012

November - I'm thankful for...

Since it is November I'm going to try and post each day what I'm thankful for.  We'll see how successful I am at coming up with something each day....

December 1, 2012 - Well, I didn't do too well with posting a new thing to be thankful for each day.  I guess 18 out of 30 is better than none.  I hope everyone had a wonderful November and is getting excited to celebrate Christmas.  Our tree is up, the lights are on and there is gifts under the tree already.  It is going to be a wonderful month.

November 18, 2012 - I told Carl this morning as he was driving me to church that I knew what I was thankful for today.  I am thankful for Driver Education teachers.  My other sons had to take drivers ed in school and drive with the teacher for a certain amount of time before they could get their learners permit.  Now-a-days as soon as someone turns 15 they can go in and take a test.  If they pass the test with 80% or higher they wave this magic wand over the child's head and say, "You can now drive!!".   The older kids were easier to ride with because the Driver Education Teachers had already straightened them out about what they could do, what they should do and how to do it.  I am thankful to those Driver's Ed teachers who have sacrificed their lives and taught our children how to drive.

November 17, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for my health and strength.

November 16, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for my sister.  She is awesome and I'm so thankful that she moved back to Utah so we can see each other more often and spend more time with each other.  She is always willing to listen to me and is ready to give me advice or suggestions.

I'm having a hard time keeping up with this.  I keep falling behind.

November 15, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for pizza.  I just can't imagine why Mrs. Obama would take it out of the school lunches and say it isn't good for you anymore.  You can't have it for school lunch.  I guess that was a good thing though because now Carl isn't eating it every day at school so we can have it more often at home.  Pizza is good stuff......

November 14, 2012 - I am so thankful for a nice, warm, soft bed to crawl into every night.  I just can't even imagine being a pioneer and having to walk all day across the plains, cook dinner over the buffalo chips that you picked up during the day and then curling up at night under my handcart.  I'm so thankful I was born in this generation.  

November 13, 2012 - I am thankful today for my mostest, awesomest family.  I have five wonderful sons, two beautiful daughters and of course five exceptionally smart grandchildren.  And a loving, kind, sweet and wonderful husband.  I have truly been blessed.

November 12, 2012 - Today, I am thankful that we were able to have our Primary Program yesterday and it went wonderfully.  The children were awesome and sang their  very best.  Each one of them said their parts perfectly and the spirit was certainly in attendance.  I'm so proud of them and happy that it is done for another year!!

November 11, 2012 - I am thankful today for everyone who has served in the military especially my father, John Sullivan.  He served in the Marines during World War II.  I also had a brother and uncles that served in the military.  I'm so thankful they all made it home safely many years ago.

November 10, 2012 - Today, I am thankful that I have the opportunity to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It is so awesome to be able to attend church each week and be strengthened spiritually so we can endure the rest of the week.  It's a crazy world out there, things are going to get crazier but with the gospel, things will be okay.  A quote I received this week from a friend is from Barbara Bush, wife of President George Bush.  It says: "Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens in your house."  

November 9, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for my Heavenly Father.  He listens to me every night and maybe sometimes he chuckles at me for what I have to say but when I moan and groan he listens to me patiently.  He is always there and always willing to talk with me.

November 8, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for stores.  It is so awesome to be able to go to the store and purchase our cheese, milk and bread products.  I am not thankful for how much money that it costs to visit the store but I am thankful that I have money to go shopping and to get the things we need.   We are truly blessed to live in these United States.

November 7, 2012 - I am thankful for color.  I have a really hard time visualizing life before the  1930's in color.  All the pictures that we see taken before that time period are in black and white or brown shades.  Everyone always wore black, gray or white dresses, shirts or slacks to have their pictures taken.  All the furniture, houses or mountains that are in the pictures are in the black, gray and white.  I am so thankful that we have color.  We can see the color of our eyes, our clothes are colorful and the sky is blue.

November 6, 2012 - Today I am thankful that I live in a free country.  I am free to worship God the way I want to and free to vote for or against the leaders of my country.  I hope and pray that I will have these same freedoms in another four years.  

November 5, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for flowers.  Flowers are one of God's most beautiful creations.  We went to the funeral of Jesse Blain in Spring City today and the flowers at the grave-site were beautiful.  Flowers are one of the masterpieces of God.  They should remind us that each one of us are his masterpieces and just like each of the delicate flowers, he can mold us into something beautiful if we will allow him to do so.

November 4, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for technology.  I am so grateful to be born in this generation of computers, ipods, ipads, phones, cameras and all the other geeky stuff that we have.  I truly believe that all these things have been invented so we can use them to do our genealogy and family history work.

November 3, 2012 - Talents, today I am thank for talents.  Not specifically my talents but for the talents of all those people around me. We had our Relief Society Super Saturday today and there was many talented people teaching us how to paint, quilt, crochet and cook.  Tonight, Van and I, attended the performance of "Annie".  We watched and listened to the performers, singers, piano players and actors share with us their many talents. Each one of us have talents that we should be willing to share with those around us. 

November 2, 2012 - Today, I am thankful for temples.  The Primary children sing,  "I love to see the temple. I’m going there someday, To feel the Holy Spirit, To listen and to pray."  Children’s Songbook of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, It is so awesome to walk into the temple and instantly feel the peace and quiet that is inside.  It's nice to leave the chaos of the world behind for awhile.

November 1, 2012 -  I am thankful for my home.  It is warm in the wintertime and cool in the summertime.  It keeps the rain and snow off my head and protects me from the wind, thunder and lightning.

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